Posted on May 04, 2021
You asked, we answered! Q&A from our recent conversations.
Q: How does NGA 911 protect my most vulnerable network? I still have to deal with my local ILEC for the last mile, right?
A: No! You are not reliant on your incumbent ILEC for the last mile.
NGA 911 provides the highest level of availability of any NG9-1-1 solutions provider. To engineer a service providing virtually no downtime, diversity of network connections to the endpoints (the "last mile") is essential. We use multiple service providers in the network and to provide interconnections to the PSAP endpoints to build the ESInet. There will always be a minimum of two entry points at each PSAP using both carrier and path diversity where possible. A High Availability (H/A) SD-WAN is provided at each PSAP that aggregates up to four different connections.
With this configuration, we have the option of provisioning MPLS, MEF Ethernet, Microwave, and LTE (AT&T and Verizon QPP) to ensure diversity. The advantages of Quality of Service, Priority and Preemption (QPP) ensure that your service area and its first responders will have the highest available public safety grade service as well as the ability to preempt other traffic as authorized when dictated by circumstances. With decades of experience delivering 9-1-1 services, our team has drawn on our institutional knowledge to build the most resilient service offering in the industry. Whether you choose both our NGCS and ESInet, or provide your own ESInet, you are in good hands with NGA 911.