Connecting Lifesaving Moments with Care and Speed
NEXiSCore, a rich user experience that provides an on-screen command of both landline and wireless 911 calls
in a variety of telephony environments, will empower your call takers and future-proof your PSAP. It provides both scalability and
customization in an integrated, i3-complaint environment for your call-takers.
The NEXiSCore network connects Originating Service Providers (OSP) with Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs).
The seamless connection between ESInet and PSAPs allows call-takers to respond more quickly.
Ignite reliable connections designed exclusively for emergency telecommunications. Our trunks performance is
unparalleled for voice, text, and video transmission with seamless, dynamic capabilities.
Connect lifesaving moments with care and speed using NGA's comprehensive solutions, igniting reliable connections and prioritizing your needs.
Prioritizing your needs with a user-rich experience. Future-proof your PSAP with scalability and customization
in an integrated, i3-compliant environment.
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