NG911 ESInet: A Comprehensive Introduction

Posted in All, NGA911 on Jan 12, 2024

Imagine a scenario where when a caller connects to 9-1-1, they can send crucial information to dispatchers about an emergency through videos, real time text (RTT) messages, or photos. With Next Generation 911 (NG911), this vision of multimedia sharing for emergency response becomes a reality, thanks to the NG911 Emergency Services IP (Internet Protocol) Network ESInet.

The ESInet is the IP transport for the Next Generation 911 system (NG911 or NG9-1-1). Public safety agencies across the nation will benefit from  more flexible, data rich content with a NG911 ESInet deployed, leading to more effective emergency response capabilities.

In this blog post our NGA experts will discuss:

Table of Contents

  • Definition of NG911 ESInet
  • ESInet as a Private Network
  • Role of NENA in Setting Technical Standards
  • ESInet as the Foundation for NG911 Systems
    • Exponential Data Sharing Possibilities
    • Flexibility for Public Safety Agencies
    • Benefits of NG911 ESInet
    • Challenges & Solutions
  • Conclusion
  1. What is an NG911 ESInet?

An ESInetrepresents an advanced IP-based network specifically designed for emergency telecommunications services. It's intended for use by all connected public safety agencies.

The purpose of an ESInet is to provide robust and reliable network infrastructure that supports the transport of 911 calls for service and additional data to i3-compliant Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs). Complying with the National Emergency Number Association (NENA) standards, also known as i3, ESInets play a pivotal role in enabling Next Generation Core Services (NGCS). Core services are comprised of functional elements designed to enhance and improve calls for service compared with legacy 911 systems, some of the key functions include:

Location: Accurately determining the caller's location using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data when available.

Routing: Efficiently directing the call to the appropriate PSAP by leveraging appropriately provisioned GIS data.

Additional Data: When available providing a telecommunicator with additional IP based data

Flexibility: Through IP connectivity and advanced policy routing NG911 systems allow agencies to enact multi-layered call roll over capabilities.

The National Emergency Number Association (NENA) highlights that “​​PSAPs and other public safety agencies will utilize the ESInet to provide interconnection1 to other ESInets, originating service providers, third-party data providers (e.g., Additional Data about location and caller), Telematics providers, groups of agencies and 9-1-1 service providers within a city, county state or larger regional system via Internet Protocol (IP) networks.”[1]


  1. How Does ESInet Work?

An ESInet for NG911 operates as a private network that facilitates emergency services and data communications. It serves as the foundational infrastructure upon which NG9-1-1 manages the flow of a vast amount of information to and from callers.

With this sophisticated IP network in place, emergency call centers and other public safety organizations can swiftly relay life-saving information to first responders, ensuring timely and effective assistance during emergencies.

  1. NG911 ESInet Built to NENA Standards

NENA plays a pivotal role in shaping the technical standards that are essential for implementing true 911 systems. To be considered an NG911 system, Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) must meet specific criteria encompassing both hardware and software components.

NENA’s Emergency Services IP Network Design (ESIND) Information Document[2] provides an information source for 9-1-1 Authorities providing foundational information related to ESInets, their design and considerations for procuring and deploying an ESInet.

There are multiple considerations when deploying an ESInet, some key elements include, but by no means limited to:

  • Scalability
  • Reliability
  • Security
  • Hardware that supports necessary routing protocols
  • Medium (Fiber, LTE, Cellular, etc)
  • Failover / redundancy

An ESInet constitutes a combination of switches, routers,, and data security systems meticulously designed to meet industry reliability standards. Building an ESInet requires careful planning and considerable time investment. Working with an experienced partner that provides transparency and includes your agency in the design and planning phases is paramount for success.

  1. How ESInet Connect to NG911

Once an ESInet infrastructure is in place, PSAPs gain the foundation they need to construct their NG911 system. The ESInet will be the transport for high speed data transmission from the NGCS to the call handling endpoint.

A well designed ESInet offers flexibility to public safety agencies, enabling them to tailor data sharing based on predetermined policy. This customization enhances accuracy and efficiency across emergency response organizations, ultimately leading to improved outcomes during critical situations.

  1. What are the benefits?


An ESInet offers numerous benefits that significantly enhance emergency response capabilities. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Multimedia Data Sharing: ESInets enable the transmission of multimedia data, including videos, real time text messages, photos, and more-with appropriate agency established governance. This allows callers to provide rich data about emergencies, helping telecommunicators and first responders assess situations more accurately.
  • Faster Delivery of “call”:IP transport delivery is much quicker than legacy call delivery. Additionally with ever improving initial location information there is a reduced need for call transfers, thereby improving the number of calls that are serviced by the receiving agency.
  • Enhanced Data Sharing: ESInet facilitates the sharing of critical information among public safety agencies and jurisdictions, promoting better coordination during large-scale emergencies, such as natural disasters or terrorist incidents.
  • Scalability: ESInets are designed to be scalable, allowing for the integration of new technologies and services as they become available. This ensures that emergency services can adapt to evolving communication technologies.
  • Interoperability: ESInets are built with interoperability in mind, enabling different emergency response agencies and jurisdictions to communicate seamlessly. This interoperability is essential for efficient coordination during emergencies that span multiple areas.
  • Redundancy and Reliability: ESInets are designed to be highly redundant and reliable, minimizing the risk of service interruptions. Redundant data centers and failover mechanisms ensure that emergency services remain operational even in the event of network disruptions.
  • Data Security: ESInets incorporate robust security measures to protect sensitive information transmitted during emergencies. This includes encryption and authentication protocols to safeguard data privacy.
  • Compliance with Standards: ESInets adhere to industry standards and guidelines, such as those set by NENA . Compliance ensures that emergency services meet specific technical criteria for effective operation.
  • Flexibility: ESInets offers flexibility in data sharing and policy management, allowing public safety agencies to tailor their systems to their unique needs and requirements.
  • Public Safety Evolution: ESInets are a fundamental component of the overall evolution of public safety communications, bringing emergency response into the digital age and preparing for future advancements in technology.
  1. Challenges & Solutions:

Implementing anESInet comes with its own set of challenges. However, these challenges can be overcome with careful planning and strategic solutions. Here are some common challenges and corresponding solutions:

  • Funding and Budget Constraints - Solution: Seek federal grants, state funding, or partnerships with telecom providers to secure the necessary funding for ESInet deployment and upgrades.
  • Infrastructure Upgrades - Solution: Collaborate with infrastructure providers and telecommunications companies to ensure that the required network infrastructure, such as high-speed broadband, is available and properly configured.
  • Interoperability and Standardization - Solution: Adhere to NENA standards and work with vendors and service providers that support NG911 standards for interoperability.
  • Cybersecurity Concerns - Solution: Implement robust cybersecurity measures, including encryption, firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and regular security audits, to protect ESInets and sensitive data.
  • Data Privacy Compliance - Solution: Develop and implement clear policies and procedures for handling and safeguarding personal data shared during emergency calls, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations.
  • Legacy Systems Integration - Solution: Plan for the gradual transition from legacy 911 systems to NG911 by using gateways and converters to bridge the gap and ensure compatibility.
  • Workforce Training and Education - Solution: Invest in comprehensive training programs for emergency dispatchers, first responders, and IT personnel to ensure they are proficient in using NG911 capabilities.
  • Geographical Coverage - Solution: Collaborate with telecom providers and governmental bodies to expand the geographical coverage of NG911 networks, especially in remote or underserved areas.
  • Redundancy and Failover - Solution: Implement redundancy and failover mechanisms within the ESInet infrastructure to minimize downtime and ensure uninterrupted emergency services.
  • Public Awareness - Solution: Launch public awareness campaigns to inform citizens about NG911 capabilities, encouraging them to use multimedia features responsibly and effectively during emergencies.
  • Policy and Regulatory Compliance - Solution: Stay informed about evolving regulations and policies related to NG911 and adjust operational procedures and technology accordingly to maintain compliance.
  • Data Quality and Accuracy - Solution: Implement procedures to regularly verify and update data sources to ensure accurate caller location information and data integrity.
  • Resource Allocation - Solution: Strategically allocate resources based on call volume, geographic demand, and real-time situational awareness to optimize emergency response.
  • Testing and Validation - Solution: Conduct thorough testing, validation, and scenario-based drills to ensure ESInet readiness and identify potential issues before they affect live emergency response.



While Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) often garners the spotlight for its revolutionary impact on emergency response, it's essential to recognize that the seamless operation of this innovative technology relies heavily on the ESInet. The ESInet serves as the fundamental infrastructure, ensuring efficient data transmission and communication during emergencies.

If you're eager to delve deeper into how these systems work together, don't hesitate to connect with our experts today!

Our seasoned professionals are ready to guide you through the seamless implementation of Next Generation 911 technologies, paving the way for a safer and more responsive emergency response system.

