NG911 Training: Preparing The Public Safety Industry For The Next Generation Of 911

Posted in All, NGA911 on Feb 05, 2022

911 telecommunicators, also known as “dispatchers” or “emergency call takers,” are often the first trained responders contacted during an emergency. Dispatchers are the 911 professionals in charge of obtaining vital information, helping callers stay calm, while remaining calm themselves, and sending emergency responders and resources to the correct location.

Having telecommunicators trained in new 911 infrastructures and technology is vital. With the implementation of Next Generation 911, NG911 training for dispatchers will only improve how these invaluable public-safety professionals respond to 911 calls and help save more lives.

In this blog, our trusted NG9-1-1 providers at NGA will discuss:

  • What Next Generation 911 is
  • The purpose of NG911
  • Why NG911 training matters

Next Generation 911: What Is It?

Next Generation 911, or NG911, is an emergency response system created to revolutionize emergency response and improve 911 services.

NG911 also refers to a nationwide emergency communications infrastructure that:

With Next Generation 911, communication between emergency callers and 911 call centers using multimedia communications is possible. Telecommunicators can also forward vital information from multimedia communication to first responders out in the field.

What Is NG911’s Purpose?

The purpose of the nationwide Next Generation 911 initiative is for the infrastructure to replace legacy 911 systems across the country. The objective of NG9-1-1 is to provide emergency telecommunicators and call centers with the tools and technology they need to deliver faster and more accurate emergency responses.

With the Next Generation 911 system and NG911 training, better communication and collaboration is possible between:

  • Dispatchers
  • ECCs
  • PSAPs
  • First Responders
  • 911 Callers

Nationwide Implementation of NG911 Is Getting Close

While planning for Next Generation 911 started in 2000, nationwide implementation efforts have skyrocketed in the past few years. Like the Next Generation 9-1-1 Act of 2021, important infrastructure bills are helping make full NG911 implementation across the country possible.

Public safety dispatchers being able to receive real-time text messages, voice messages, videos, and photos from 911 callers is on the horizon.

Complete transition to NG911 also means that telecommunicators will be able to carry on video conversations with potential:

  • Witnesses
  • Victims
  • Suspects

NG911 Training Is The Key

As technology evolves and social media communication becomes the norm, dispatchers and 911 call centers need to be prepared for these changes. Next Generation 911 may be called “the future of emergency response,” but it’s here now.

There’s no getting around the fact that NG911 training is essential. For the vital first point of contact citizens have with public safety, having dispatchers trained in Next Generation 911 means improved emergency response and keeping communities safe.

There’s a significant need to make sure telecommunicators are properly trained on new technologies and systems and trained on how to adapt to the transition of NG911. The process of change may have an impact on dispatchers themselves in addition to the changing of their day-to-day jobs and professional duties.

The bottom line: NG911 training for dispatchers can not only provide much-needed improvements to 911 services, but it can also offer essential benefits for the public and the dispatchers themselves.


The execution of Next Generation 911 is occurring all over the country. Failing to properly prepare for NG911 could have potentially devastating results for dispatchers, first responders, and the citizens and communities they’re sworn to protect.

Next Generation 911 is here today, and NG911 training should begin as soon as possible. At NGA, our trusted NG91-1 providers and experts are here to help!

We train your team during and after NG911 implementation. Our knowledgeable professionals ensure that dispatchers and call centers know how to use the tools and technology we provide and are always available to lend our support when issues arise.

Would you like more information about NG911 training?

Connect with us at NGA today to get started!