
NG911 and NENA: A Guide to NENA’s New i3 Standard Version for Next Generation 911

Mar 23, 2022

In late 2021, North America’s leading emergency response standards development organization approved a new version of the i3 NG9-1-1 standard. The approval signified a landmark move to accelerate the transition to a faster, smarter, and more resilien...
In late 2021, North America’s leading emergency response standards development organization approved a new version of the i3 NG9-1-1 standard. The approval signified a landmark move to accelerate the transition to a faster, smarter, and more resilient 911 infrastructure.  Version 3 of NENA’s i3 Next Generation 911 standard includes significant updates to the NG911 system. The new version of i3 will pave the way for greater interoperability between emergency response agencies and first responder...
NG911 Compliance: Preparing Your PSAP

Mar 21, 2022

If you oversee a PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) or another 911 telecommunications agency, then you’re likely familiar with NG9-1-1 (Next Generation 911). With the Next Generation 911 initiative in place across the nation, emergency response age...
If you oversee a PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point) or another 911 telecommunications agency, then you’re likely familiar with NG9-1-1 (Next Generation 911). With the Next Generation 911 initiative in place across the nation, emergency response agencies must follow NG911 compliance regulations to upgrade their current 911 systems to fully digital infrastructures capable of transmitting vital information through multimedia sharing.  Transitioning to a new system is never easy, especially whe...
NG911 ESInets: Unlocking the Power of Emergency Services IP Networks

Mar 09, 2022

NG9-1-1, also called Next Generation 911, is an emergency response telecommunications system representing a significant leap for the public safety community and the citizens NG911 was designed to serve. Next Generation 911’s infrastructure runs o...
NG9-1-1, also called Next Generation 911, is an emergency response telecommunications system representing a significant leap for the public safety community and the citizens NG911 was designed to serve. Next Generation 911’s infrastructure runs on secure, high-speed IP (Internet Protocol) and cloud-based management networks specifically for emergency response services, known as ESInets. It is NG911’s ESInet that enables the Next Generation 911 system to provide considerably more capa...
NG911 Implementation: A Comprehensive Checklist for Next Generation 911 System Implementation  Planning

Mar 03, 2022

As the Nationwide initiative for updating current emergency response systems to NG9-1-1 continues, PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) along with dispatchers and telecommunicators are curious about the Next Generation 911 implementation process....
As the Nationwide initiative for updating current emergency response systems to NG9-1-1 continues, PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) along with dispatchers and telecommunicators are curious about the Next Generation 911 implementation process. As a leading provider of the NG911 system, NGA receives many questions regarding Next Generation 911 implementation, how long it will take, and what emergency response organizations can do to prepare. It's important to plan ahead when it comes...
Why NG911 Is the Right Call Routing Solution for Emergency Telecommunicators

Feb 23, 2022

When a citizen in need calls 911, having a streamlined system to route and answer the call is vital. In today's age, the reality is that PSAPs (public safety answering points) and ECCs (emergency call centers) cannot effectively direct and take 911 c...
When a citizen in need calls 911, having a streamlined system to route and answer the call is vital. In today's age, the reality is that PSAPs (public safety answering points) and ECCs (emergency call centers) cannot effectively direct and take 911 calls without the updated tools and technology needed to do so. With NG9-1-1, routing emergency phone calls to the nearest entity, answering those calls promptly, and dispatching the necessary resources and first responders is entirely possible. Ne...
NG911 Data Sharing: How Next Generation 911 Technology Will Improve Emergency Response During Critical Incidents

Feb 21, 2022

NG911 Data Sharing: How Next Generation 911 Multimedia Technology Improves Emergency Response With the NG911 initiative, the goal is to bring the nation’s 911 system into the 21st century. Part of the NG9-1-1 objective is updating the emergency resp...
NG911 Data Sharing: How Next Generation 911 Multimedia Technology Improves Emergency Response With the NG911 initiative, the goal is to bring the nation’s 911 system into the 21st century. Part of the NG9-1-1 objective is updating the emergency response systems of PSAPs (public safety answering points) to Next Generation 911 so that 911 professionals across the country can receive vital data shared by citizens during emergencies and other critical incidents. The public sharing important info...
NG911 Providers: A Look Into The Next Generation 911 Procurement Guidance

Feb 18, 2022

Emergency response organizations like emergency call centers (ECCs) and public safety answering points (PSAPs) nationwide are transitioning equipment, procedures, and training to the Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) system. While the implementation of ...
Emergency response organizations like emergency call centers (ECCs) and public safety answering points (PSAPs) nationwide are transitioning equipment, procedures, and training to the Next Generation 911 (NG9-1-1) system. While the implementation of  NG911 will improve how 911 agencies and personnel respond to emergency calls; many ECCs and PSAPs face challenges regarding the upgrade to NG911 due to vendor selection and funding.  Seeking out trusted Next Generation 911 vendors is more t...
NG911 Technology: What You Need to Know

Feb 16, 2022

When someone dials 911, a dispatcher will pick up and respond with, “911, what is your emergency?” But have you ever wondered how that 911 call gets routed and what happens after that 911 caller describes their emergency to the operator? An in...
When someone dials 911, a dispatcher will pick up and respond with, “911, what is your emergency?” But have you ever wondered how that 911 call gets routed and what happens after that 911 caller describes their emergency to the operator? An initiative known as NG9-1-1 is currently underway across the United States to upgrade and modernize the entire 911 experience as well as  the technology and the infrastructure behind it.  NG911, or Next Generation 911, aims to make it easier for...
The NG911 Infrastructure Bill: A Critical Step Towards Next Generation 911 Implementation

Feb 15, 2022

NG9-1-1, or Next Generation 911, has revolutionized emergency communication systems. NG911 has changed the way public safety professionals respond to 911 calls and communicate with 911 callers and first responders. Certain measures need to be in p...
NG9-1-1, or Next Generation 911, has revolutionized emergency communication systems. NG911 has changed the way public safety professionals respond to 911 calls and communicate with 911 callers and first responders. Certain measures need to be in place to help make the implementation and transition to Next Generation 911 nationwide possible, such as the NG911 Infrastructure Bill. You may be wondering what precisely the NG911 Infrastructure Bill is and what it could mean for the future of em...
NG911: Things PSAPs Should Look For In A Next Generation 911 System

Feb 10, 2022

NG911: Things PSAPs Should Look For In A Next Generation 911 System Whether you are a first responder or a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), in 2022 most of us are familiar with the term Next Generation 911. NG9-1-1, or NG911, is the next...
NG911: Things PSAPs Should Look For In A Next Generation 911 System Whether you are a first responder or a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), in 2022 most of us are familiar with the term Next Generation 911. NG9-1-1, or NG911, is the next generation of emergency services as this system will include innovative capabilities such as real-time text messaging and geolocation tracking. Now that the transition to NG911 is underway across the country the essential question now becomes,...